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for Trustee


Dave Weber’s vision for a united Northport extends beyond mere rhetoric; it encompasses tangible actions and initiatives aimed at bridging divides and strengthening community bonds. As a seasoned public servant with a track record of collaboration and inclusivity, Dave understands the importance of listening to diverse perspectives and engaging all stakeholders in the decision-making process. Through town hall meetings, community forums, and outreach efforts, Dave seeks to ensure that every voice in Northport is heard and valued.


As a dedicated public servant, Dave has held key positions such as Northport Village Trustee and Commissioner of various departments. Recognized for his outstanding service, Dave has received prestigious accolades like the Anchor Award by the Northport Journal and being named Man of the Year in 2023 by the Huntington Times. His initiatives prioritize environmental stewardship, cost-saving measures, and community well-being, ranging from advocating for LED lighting to spearheading projects like the Flupsy Oyster initiative. As a third-generation resident, Dave remains committed to transparency, fiscal responsibility, and effective governance. 


Shining a Light on Northport Village’s Sustainable Transformation: Trustee Dave Weber’s Visionary LED Street Lighting Project

Northport Village took a bold step towards a brighter, greener future with its recent LED street lighting transformation. Spearheaded by Trustee Dave Weber, in collaboration with the New York Power Authority (NYPA), this visionary project showcased Northport's commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Editorial: A real transformation requires respect, innovation and action

The Northport Journal endorses Dave Weber for Mayor and Meghan Dolan for Trustee. Above all others, we feel these two candidates will be the most productive, hardworking, innovative and trustworthy leaders. We’re basing these endorsements not on campaign slogans, lawn signs or promises, but on actions these candidates have already taken within the Village.

Seymour’s Boatyard added to New York’s Historic Business Preservation Registry

“Seymour’s Boatyard and the Weber family have had a tremendous positive impact on the Northport community for many years,” said Brown. “It’s clear this family-owned business, which has looked out over Northport Harbor for a century, is a timeless treasure that has served Northport boaters well since its establishment. Congratulations to Seymour’s and the entire Weber family on this distinction!”


Dave’s website features a Community Forum where residents of Northport can register and engage in open discussions about village matters. This platform provides a space for residents to share ideas, voice concerns, and discuss upcoming events, fostering meaningful dialogue and exchange of ideas. Dave encourages active participation, aiming to strengthen community engagement and empower individuals to play a role in decision-making processes. By facilitating transparent and inclusive communication, the Community Forum reflects Dave’s commitment to promoting accountability and community-driven solutions in Northport’s governance. Together, residents can collaborate to address local challenges and build a stronger, more vibrant community.



© 2024 Dave Weber Jr. All Rights Reserved. Paid for by Dave Weber Jr. and the Committee to Elect and/or Re-elect Dave Weber Jr. to Northport Village Office. Approved by Dave Weber Jr. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.