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Editorial: A real transformation requires respect, innovation and action

Originally posted by the Northport Journal on Mar 12, 2022

Transformation. It’s a word that has been used a lot lately in regards to the March 15 Northport Village elections, a race that will add four new faces to a board of just five members. It’s a complete overhaul, really, and certainly has the potential to be transformative.

For months, we have reported quietly and unbiasedly on the happenings at Village board meetings and have announced each new candidate to the public as they have revealed their intentions to run. We have printed every letter to the editor we received regarding Village politics and will continue to do so before Tuesday’s vote.

This weekend’s edition of local print publication The Observer listed endorsements for the Northport Village election that, if followed by Village residents, will be an offense to our community and all that can be achieved in the next four years. What’s being labeled as “transformative” by The Observer is really just more of the same governance… and possibly worse. We feel compelled, as a team of writers committed to nonpartisan reporting in our news section, to rebut some of Mr. Ambro’s endorsements here, in the Northport Journal’s first editorial/political endorsement since we began our digital publication.

Why? Because we too have been paying close attention and do not lack the foresight necessary to envision what kind of leadership is required to address the many modern issues facing our Village today. We also do not cater to a certain group of subscribers or advertisers, making endorsements to better serve the success of a newspaper. This is not a business decision for us, but a decision based on firsthand experience within a community that will be directly impacted by the election results.

The Northport Journal endorses Dave Weber for Mayor and Meghan Dolan for Trustee. Above all others, we feel these two candidates will be the most productive, hardworking, innovative and trustworthy leaders. We’re basing these endorsements not on campaign slogans, lawn signs or promises, but on actions these candidates have already taken within the Village.

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